Welcome, welcome, welcome to the download and donate page. Please click the links below to download MP3 versions of the EP. If you can afford to invest in the vision, please do with any amount you wish! If you cannot afford to, be blessed and download the music and pray for us. Click on the button, then turn it up, sit back, relax and worship!
Donate monthly by becoming a part of our Investor-Partner team. Monthly donors are the life blood and heartbeat that keep the mission and dream alive. It’s very easy. Just click below and set up as large of a monthly donation you can comfortably afford. Please contact me with any questions you may have. Kurt Coble. 615-482-0132. kurt.coble@worldmusicmission.org worldmusicmission.org & kurtcoble.com
https://actintl.givingfuel.com/coble-kurt Please click on the link to support our ministry.